Saturday, April 9, 2011

saturday april ninth

last nights dream- there were a few of us swimming in a texas brown muddy river. it was a party and as always some fat guy did a cannon ball.

These are extremely exciting times and i feel they should be well documented. i've never kept a 'blog' before and i don't even like the word. an online journal seems funny to me because i've always kept my journals very private, and the idea of posting journal entries online suggests everyone in the world can and might read it. it's funny, because after an incident with a fiery redhead that lead to the cancellation of my facebook account, my online presence has been limited to hotmail posts. is there something i'm missing by not having my thoughts broadcast over the world wide web? am i somehow not doing my part contributing to the collective consciousness? well maybe a 'blog' has some purpose. maybe it keeps me in touch with the community outside my physical space.  maybe it's just a documentation of these exciting times through pictures and words. all i can say is i'll try it for awhile and see where it leads.

today's agenda- go out to the farm for a bit, maybe go over the van with my pal robert. if there's people around, move the stage into place for the party on april 23rd. later tonight play a benefit show for food not bombs

today's tarot card- skeleton in the closet. maybe this is something i need to think about for my temporary relocation to portland. that would make sense.

if i can send out influence to everyone reading, i would like to dedicate a moment of silent meditation to knowledge the suffering going on in the world.

sending love and compassion
to devastated japan
war torn syria ,afganistan, iran, iraq, palestine,
tarp cities in haiti and all over the world
malnourished, misunderstood, and misdirected people
in every country, in every city.
a moment of aknowledgment
because all suffering is connected.


  1. Nice to be able to read your thoughts. It's an abstract means to feel in touch but still has some substance of knowing you're out there. -JB
